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Posts Tagged ‘Ruby’

From CAP, Puppet Now Chef, Evolution of Configuration Management Tools

CHEF, PUPPET & CAPISTRANO are used basically for two purposes  :

Application Deployment is all of the activities that make a software system available for use.

Configuration Management is software configuration management is the task of tracking and controlling changes in the software. Configuration management practices include revision control and the establishment of baselines.

Let me enlighten on how we evolved from the beginning when we were using tools like ssh, scp to the point where we began to abstract and began to equip our-self with these sophisticated yet simple to use tools. Earlier the following tools like

  • ssh which is used as a configuration management solution for admins.
  • scp act as a secure channel for application deployment.

The need for any other tools was out of question until things got complicated!!!


Earlier an Application Deployment  was just a few steps away such as

  1. scp app to production box
  2. restart server (optional)
  3. profit

And these software refreshing/updates were done

  1. Manual (ssh)
  2. with shell scripts living on the servers
  3. or not done at all

(Introduced by Jamis Buck, written in Ruby, initially for Rails project)

Capistrano is a developer tool for deploying web applications. It is typically installed on a workstation, and used to deploy code from your source code management (SCM) to one, or more servers.In its sim­plest form, Capis­trano al­lows you to copy code from your source con­trol repos­i­tory (SVN or Git) to your server via SSH, and per­form pre & post-de­ploy func­tions like restart­ing a web­server, bust­ing cache, re­nam­ing files, run­ning data­base mi­gra­tions and so on.

Nice things cap introduced :

  1. Automate deploys with one set of files
  2. The files don’t have to live on the production server
  3. The language (Ruby) allows some abstraction

Now application deployment step can be coded and tested like rest of the project. It has also become the de facto way to deploy the Ruby on Rails applications. It has also had tools like webistrano build on top of it to provide a graphical interface to the command line tool.

Drawback : The tool seems to be widely used but not well supported.


(Written in Ruby and evolved from cfengine)

Luke Kanies came up with the idea for Puppet in 2003 after getting fed up with existing server-management software in his career as a systems administrator. In 2005 he quit his job at BladeLogic, a maker of data-center management software, and spent the next 10 months writing code to automate the dozens of steps required to set up a server with the right software, storage space, and network configurations. The result: scores of templates for different kinds of servers, which let systems administrators become, in Kanies’s metaphor, puppet masters, pulling on strings to give computers particular personalities and behaviors. He formed Puppet Labs to begin consulting for some of the thousands of companies using the software—the list includes Google, Zynga, and Twitter etc

Puppet is typically used in a client server formation, with all your clients talking to one or more servers. Each client contacts the servers periodically (every half an hour by default), downloads the latest configuration and makes sure it is sync with that configuration.

The Server in Puppet is called Puppet Master.
Puppet Manifests contains all the configuration details which are declarative as opposed to imperative.

The DSL is not Ruby as you are not writing scripts you are writing definitions, Install order is determined through dependencies.
The Puppet Master is idempotent which will make sure the client machines match the definitions.This is good as you can implement changes across machines automatically just by updating the manifest in the Puppet Master.

(written in ruby evolved from puppet)

CHEF is an open source configuration management tool using pure-Ruby, the chef domain specific language for writing system configuration related stuff (recipes and cookbook)
CHEF brings a new feel with its interesting naming conventions relating to cookery like Cookbooks (they contain codes for a software package installation and configuration in the form of Recipes), Knife (API tool), Databags (act like global variables) etc

Chef Server – deployment scripts called Cookbooks and Recipes, configuration instructions called Nodes, security details etc. The clients in the chef infrastructure are called Nodes. Chef recipes are imperative as opposed to declarative. The DSL is extended Ruby so you can write scripts as well as definitions. Install order is script order NO dependency checking.


Chef and Puppet automatically set up and tweak the operating systems and programs that run in massive data centers and the new-age “cloud” services, designed to replace massive data centers.

Chef Recipes is more programmer friendly as it is easily understood by a developer unlike a Puppet Manifest.

And when it comes to features in comparison to puppet, chef is rather more intriguing .
For example “Chef’s ability to search an environment and use that information at run time is very appealing.

Knife is Chef’s powerful command line interface. Knife allows you to interact with your entire infrastructure and Chef code base. Use knife to bootstrap a server, build the scaffolding for a new cookbook, or apply a role to a set of nodes in your environment. You can use knife ssh to execute commands on any number of nodes in your environment. knife ssh + search is a very powerful combination.

The part of defining dependencies in Puppet was overly verbose and cumbersome. With Chef, order matters and dependencies would be met if we specified them in the proper order.

We can deploy additional software applications on virtual machine instances without dealing with the overhead of doing everything manually,” Stowe explains. “We can do it with code — recipes that define how various applications and libraries are deployed and configured.” According to Stowe, creating and deploying a new software image now takes minutes or hours rather than hours or weeks. They call this technique DevOps because it applies traditional programming techniques to system administration tasks. “It’s just treating IT operations as a software development problem, – Stowe, CEO of Cycle Computing, a Greenwich, Connecticut-based start-up that uses Chef to manage the software underpinning the online “supercomputing” service it offers to big businesses and academic outfits. “Before this, there were ways of configuring servers and managing them, but DevOps has gotten it right.”


Let me help you to know onto which buckets does the above tools fell into and other similar tools…

App Deploy Capistrano, ControlTier, Fabric, Fun, mCollective
SysConfig Chef, Puppet, cfengine, Smart Frog, Bcfg2
Cloud/VM Xen, Ixc, openVZ, Eucalyptus, KVM
OS Install Kickstart, Jumpstart, Cobbler, OpenQRM, xCAT

DevOps on EC2 using Capistrano

DevOps is the combination of development and operation processes. Cloud with your DevOps offers some fantastic properties. The ability to leverage all the advancements made in software development around repeatability and testability with your infrastructure. The ability to scale up as need be real time and among other things being able to harness the power of self healing systems.

The process piece of devops is about taking the principles behind Agile to the entire continuous software development process. The obvious step is bringing Agile ideas to the operations team, which is sorely needed. Traditionally in the enterprise, the application development team is in charge of gathering business requirements for a software program and writing code. The development team tests their program in an isolated development environment for quality assurance which is later handed over to the operations team. The operations team is tasked with deploying and maintaining the program. The problem with this paradigm is that when the two teams work separately, the development team may not be aware of operational roadblocks that prevent the program from working as anticipated.


Capistrano is a developer tool for running scripts on multiple servers, mainly used for deploying web applications on to the servers. It is typically installed on a workstation, and used to deploy code from your source code management to one, or more servers. Capistrano is originally called “SwitchTower”, the name was changed to Capistrano in March 2006 because of some trademark conflict. It is a time saving command line tool and it is very useful to AWS/EC2 servers because we can deploy the code to 1000’s of aws servers by using a single command. For the security of servers we are commonly using aws ssh key authentication. In capistrano  we use this aws ssh key to deploy the web applications to the aws servers.

In Cloud Computing, deploying applications to production/live servers is always a delicate task. The whole process needs to be quick to minimize downtime. Automating the deployment process helps running repetitive tasks minimizing the possibility human error. It is also a good idea to have a proven and easy way to rollback to a previous version if something goes wrong.

It is a standalone utility that can also integrate nicely with Rails. We simply provide Capistrano with a deployment “recipe” or “formula” that describes our various servers and their roles. It is a single-command deployment. it even allows us to roll a bad version out of production and it revert back to the previous release very easily.

Capistrano Deployment

The main functionality of the Capistrano is to Deploy the rails application which we have already developed and we are using the “SVN” or “GIT” to manage the code. It will transfer all the files of our rails application which we have developed in our local host to aws servers directly by simply executing a simple command in our command prompt.

Steps to deploy a rails application

[shell]gem install capistrano[/shell]

Now,we need to capistranize our rails application using the following commands

[shell]capify .[/shell]

It will create two files


capfile .


How to set up deploy.rb file


require ‘rubygems’
require ‘activesupport’
set :application, “<application name>”
set :scm_username/ “<username>”
set :use_sudo, false
set :repository, “http://#{scm_username}@www.example.com/svn/trunk”
set :deploy_to, “/var/www/#{application}”
set :deploy_via, :checkout
set :scm, :git
set :user, “root”
role :app, “<domain_name>”
role :web, “<domain_name>”
rold :db, “<domain_name>”, :primary => true
namespace :migrations do
desc “Run the Migrations”
task :up, :roles => :app do
run “cd #{current_path}; rake db:auto:migrate;”
task :down, :roles => :app do
run “cd #{current_path}; rake db:drop; rake



scm_username’ is your user name
application’ is an arbitrary name you create to identify your application on the server
use_sudo’ specifies to capistrano that it does not need to append ‘sudo’ before all the commands it will run
repository’ identifies where your subversion repository is located

If we aren’t deploying to server’s default path, we need to specify the actual location by using the ‘deploy_to’ variable as given below

set :deploy_to, “/var/www/#{application}”
set :deploy_via, :checkout

If we are using the git to manage our source code, specify the SCM by using the ‘scm’ variable as given below

set :scm, :git
set :user, “root”
role :app, “<domain_name>”
role :web, “<domain_name>”
rold :db, “<domain_name>”, :primary => true

Since most rails users will have the same domain name for their web,app and database, we can simply use our domain variable we set earlier.

namespace :migrations do
desc “Run the Migrations”
task :up, :roles => :app do
run “cd #{current_path}; rake db:auto:migrate;”
task :down, :roles => :app do
run “cd #{current_path}; rake db:drop; rake


After completion of our settings in the deploy.rb file, we need to commit the application by using “svn commit” command if we use svn.

Then we need to run the following command:


cap deploy:setup


It is used to create the directory structure in server.

[shell]cap deploy:check[/shell]

It checks all the dependencies/things like directory permission and necessary utilities to deploy the application by using capistrano.

If everything is successful, you should see a message like:
You appear to have all necessary dependencies installed
And finally deploy the application by using the following command:

[shell]cap deploy[/shell]

Command finished successfully

To Clean up the releases directory, leaving the five most recent releases

[shell]Cap cleanup[/shell]

Prints the difference between what was last deployed, and what is currently in our repository

[shell]cap diff_from_last_deploy[/shell]

To Rolls back to the previously deployed version

[shell]cap deploy:rollback:code[/shell]

Amazon’s EC2 cloud cuts the requisition time of the order & delivery stages down to just minutes. This is already a 75% savings in deployment time! But, without automated deployment, you’ll still need a week to get your application installed.

DevOPS on AWS Cloud using Opscode Chef

Rule the Cloud‘ with Chef
Chef is Infrastructure as Code,an API for your entire infrastructure. Assuming that you are well versed with cloud if not still you should have atleast heard of cloud computing and it is still an evolving paradigm and Cloud computing companies are the newest buzz in the IT sector. Chef is used in conjunction with cloud  from cloud providers say Amazon’s AWS. If a software thats being developed is a mix of technology which is interdependent and works in perfect harmony then why not the people behind it, this thought has led to the emergence of a new cultral trend called DevOPS. Now if you setup a number of instances on the cloud then whats next – new instances on cloud are just like bare metal server and the configuration has to be done from scratch and it would be feasible to do so manually for couple of them what if the count just got bigger say 100 live instances with different unix distros, although a script could be written but still it will not suffice,  in the long run considering management too. Here the CHEF comes into play

“chef is sysadmin robot performing configuration tasks automatically and much more quickly than a single admin could ever hope to” – Jesse Robbins, Opscode CEO.

CHEF is an open source configuration management tool using pure-Ruby,the chef domain specific language for writting system configuration related stuff (recipes and cookbook)

CHEF brings a new feel with its interesting naming conventions relating to cookery like Cookbooks (they contain codes for a software package installation and configuration in the form of Recipes), Knife (API tool), Databags (act like global variables) etc

Although there are many configuration management tools prevailing in the industry CHEF was able to secure its position in the race.

“CHEF take a step farther passes puppet and cfengine — like doing “LIVE SEARCH” within  configuration management like loadbalancer can call out to get a list of the app servers you need to balance  or an applicaton server can call out, get a reference to the master database server  etc …..the centralised chef server is indexing all the information about your infrasturctre  so that you could search in the command line using knife you know in real time so that application could lever that data..” by Seth Chisamore from the OPSCODE.

A techonology peak that isnt fluffy – Cloud
For those folks new to cloud- Its a whole bunch of activites which began as an innovation, recently given out as products and now they have become so widespread and so feature complete that they became suitable for utility services.

So if you dont want cloud in your business its like saying you dont want to use the electricity instead you built your own generator and use it according to your need. Now what do we loose if we continue with that is the competitive edge ie you get the pressure to keep your stuff upgraded inorder to find your place relative to the others in the ecosystem.

Cloud is API oriented, everything you see in cloud is ulitmately programmable.

Virtualization is the foundation of Cloud but virtualization is not Cloud by itself. It certainly enables many of the things we talk about when we talk Cloud but it is not necessary sufficient to be a cloud. Google app engine is a cloud that does not incorporate virtualization. One of the reasons that virtualization is great is because you can automate the procurement of new boxes.

A Culture thats on path to revolutionize IT – DevOPS
Devops is something that orginated in webshops predominantly and it require a kind of tools thats really not available except for home grown tools which the big webshops built over and over again. So the organisation who wanted to use devops started using the tools that enable this transition as most organisations depends on web as a source of revenue in a variety of different ways, even the enterprise desire to be as agile as the webshops. This has begun a revolution from the website permeate into the enterprise base more frequently.

Considering a real life example for Devops say facebook, the most popular social networking site here the developers/QA/operations – there is alot of communications, cross talk happening between them like the developers has to write codes, QA who has to make sure the good code goes out, the operations team has to make sure its up and running. Finally all of these has to be in records which altogether seems to be inefficient, this led to the evolving of the entire system. According to the conventional practices where the developers writes the code and throws it off to the testing. Once the testing is done then it moves to the operations etc. Contrary to that the developers , operations team are all involved in the entire lifecycle of the project as a team. This creates a symbiotic relationship. Now the operations people could understand what the engineers needs the most and the developers are able to see the value that operation people brings as they make architecture decisions.

Cloud with your DevOps offers some fantastic properties. The ability to leverage all the advancements made in software development around repeatability and testability with your infrastructure. The ability to scale up as need be real time (autoscaling) and among other things being able to harness the power of self healing systems. DevOps better with Cloud.

Configuration management say CHEF is one of the most fundamental elements allowing DevOps in the cloud. It allows you to have different VMs that have just enough OS that they can be provisioned, automatically through virtualization, and then through configuration management can be assigned to a distinct purpose within the cloud. The CM system handles turning the lightly provisioned VM into the type of server that it is intended to be.

DevOps & Chef
DevOps is nonthing but a cultural movement where everybody say the developers, QA, Operations, Testing etc get along. A project group formation with a mixed skillset that blurs the line between say a developer and sysadmin. This helps the project to meet its deadlines
and avoid unexpected situations. Cloud computing act like a catalyst to this movement. Thereby the CHEF also hops in.

Chef forms a critical layer in the Devops stack.Thanks to the concept of infrastructure as code and virtualization, we can define and build our infrastructure based on text files. Those files can be version-controlled and tested like regular code. The artifact (ami, image), can then be deployed on an infrastructure. The following image gives you an overview on the similarities.

Inadvertently the issues like “what if the application” or “what if the infrasturcture” are resolved, the fact is that application is the infrastructure and infrastructure is the application and we are here to enable business, also it helped bring peoples in the team into better alignment across the board.

Chef configuration is written in pure ruby.

Devops == Ruby

For those who think Bash is enough as a scripting language – Bash becomes a liability not an asset once your script exceeds 100 lines and a total nightmare if you need to parse or output HTML, CSV, XML, JSON, etc. A significant point to be noted is that Chef uses Ruby in its recipes unlike puppet where it uses its own configuration language that is based on Ruby although chef is heavily inspired from puppet. If you chose chef then you are effectively scripting your infrastructure with ruby.

Though Chef was only released on January 15th , 2009 it has gotten rapid adoption and gained a large number of contributors. According to the Opscode wiki there are 545 approved contributors to Opscode projects and 106 companies. Beyond that the #chef IRC channel is typically attended by over 100 users and Opscode staff, signs of a healthy, growing open source community.

Springsource division of VMware have signed on to contribute to the project. They are even being very public about it as seen in this endorsement:

“We are excited about the open source contributions the Springsource Division of VMware has made to Opscode Chef.” said Javier Soltero, CTO of Springsource Management Products at VMware. “Chef is an important tool for automating infrastructure management and we look forward to its continued growth and success.”

Moreover on my experience of using chef I really enjoyed the quick response I could get from the Opscode Support Team for all my queries and they had always being able to direct me towards a solution.

Automation Using Chef to create an Instance on Amazon Cloud Service Provider with Apache webserver configured in it.

chef-workstation – is the place where we customize our cookbooks and maintains the chef-repo
chef node – is the management node that we create using chef, it configures itself based on its runlist and downloaded cookbooks

The really cool thing with Chef is that you can rerun cookbooks against a node and it will not do anything it has already done i.e it will not change the end result on the target node as defined by the recipes being run against it. So you will always get the same outcome no matter what state the node and actions will not be taken if already done (and conversely run if detected it has not been run).  When reading about Chef you will see this described as being idempotent (There I’ve saved you looking it up).

Prerequisites – an AWS account, EC2 API configured, OS – Ubuntu.

1. Sign up an account at http://www.opscode.com/hosted-chef/# , Here we use the OHC (opscode hosted chef) where we get to create upto 5 nodes for free!!

2.Verify your opscode account.

3.Download the files

Create an organization in the Console page at www.manage.opscode.com, and then download the following files:

  • Your Organization validation key. This is used to automatically register new Chef Clients (like servers you manage).
  • The Knife configuration file.
  • Your User key. This is used to authenticate your user with Hosted Chef.
  • Edit knife.rb  to add aws access key and secret access key
  • knife[:aws_access_key_id]     = “Your AWS Access Key”
  • knife[:aws_secret_access_key] = “Your AWS Secret Access Key”

At this stage I have a chef ready user environment, an OpsCode organisation set up and now I want to start by spinning up an ec2 instance. I will not be going into any depth regarding  the ec2 specifics as that would make this post far too long.

4.Setting Up chef-Workstation

Install Ruby and Development Tools

#sudo apt-get update
#sudo apt-get install ruby ruby-dev libopenssl-ruby rdoc ri irb build-essential wget ssl-cert git-core
#sudo gem update –system

Install RubyGems

#cd /tmp
#wget http://production.cf.rubygems.org/rubygems/rubygems-1.8.10.tgz
#tar zxf rubygems-1.8.10.tgz
#cd rubygems-1.8.10
#sudo ruby setup.rb –no-format-executable

Install Chef

#sudo gem install chef

5.To verify chef installation

#chef-client -v

6.Build the chef repository

#cd ~
#git clone https://github.com/opscode/chef-repo.git

Knife reads configuration files in .chef. so we need to create those as well

#mkdir -p ~/chef-repo/.chef

Copy the keys and knife configuration you downloaded earlier into this directory:

#cp USERNAME.pem ~/chef-repo/.chef
#cp ORGANIZATION-validator.pem ~/chef-repo/.chef
#cp knife.rb ~/chef-repo/.chef

Run the following command to confirm knife is working with the Hosted Chef API.

#cd ~/chef-repo
#knife client list

output : “ORGANIZATION-validator”

7.Now i need to download the apache2 cookbook on to my workstation, customize if required and then upload it to my account on the opscode platform

#knife cookbook site install apache2

this will notify git and also pulls down the desired cookbook

8.Upload the cookbook using the following command

#knife cookbook upload apache2

9.Enter the following command, sit back and  enjoy the show!!!

#knife ec2 server create -G default -I ami-1212ef7b -f m1.small -S <aws ssh key id> -i <ssh identity file> -x root -r ‘recipe[apache2]’

Before proceeding it would probably be a good idea to take time out and read the Opscode  Chef Recipe wiki which has a nice clear explanation on cookbook name spaces. Also remind yourself of the components that make up a cookbook it’s worth noting that recipes manage resources and those resources will be executed in the order they occur.

Creating phusion passenger AMI on Amazon EC2

Phusion Passenger is an Apache and Nginx module for deploying Ruby web applications.(such as those built on the Ruby on Rails web framework). Phusion Passenger works on any POSIX-compliant operating system,which means practically any operating system , except Microsoft Windows.

Here we are not going to discuss much about ruby on rails applications as our aim is creating an ami of an ubuntu aws instance from which we can launch an instance for developing and deploying rails applications pre-built.

Install apache2 web-server

sudo apt-get install apache2 ( By default its DocumentRoot is /var/www/ )


Install mysql-server and mysql-client ( To support rails applications that access database )



[bash]sudo apt-get install mysql-server mysql-client[/bash]




Install Ruby from repository

The default ruby1.8 is missing some important files. So install ruby1.8-dev. Otherwise at some stage when using gem install, it may end up with “ Error : Failed to build gem native extensions “.

[bash]sudo apt-get install ruby1.8-dev[/bash]


Install RubyGems

Install rubygems >= 1.3.6

The package can be downloaded from here

wget http://rubyforge.org/frs/download.php/70696/rubygems-1.3.7.tgz


tar xvzf rubygems-1.3.7.tgz
cd rubygems-1.3.7
sudo ruby setup.rb
sudo ln -s /usr/bin/gem1.8 /usr/bin/gem

Install Rails via rubygems



Once rubygems is installed use it to install Rails :


[bash]sudo gem install rails[/bash]




Installing Phusion Passenger


There are three ways to install Phusion Passenger :

1. By installing the Phusion Passenger gem.

2. By Downloading the source tarball from the PhusionPassenger website(passenger-x.x.x.tar.gz).

3. By installing the native Linux package (eg: Debian package)

Before installing, you will probably need to switch to the root user first. The Phusion Passenger installer will attempt to automatically detect Apache, and compile Phusion Passenger against that Apache version. It does this by looking for the apxs or apxs2 command in the PATH environment variable.

Apache installed in a non-standard location, prevent the Phusion Passenger installer from detecting Apache.To solve this, become root user and export the path of apxs.

Easiest way to install Passenger is installing via the gem

Please install the rubygems and then run the Phusion Passenger installer, by typing the following commands as root.

1.Open a terminal, and type:

[bash]gem install passenger[/bash]



and follow the instructions from the installer.

The installer will :

1. Install the Apache2 module.

2. instruct how to configure Apache.

3. inform how to deploy a Ruby on Rails application.

If anything goes wrong, this installer will advise you on how to solve any problems.

The installer will ask to add the following lines to the apache2.conf file.

[bash] LoadModule passenger_module /usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/passenger-3.0.0/

ext/apache2/mod_passenger.so PassengerRoot /usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/


PassengerRuby /usr/bin/ruby1.8 [/bash]

Now consider, you have a rails application in directory /var/www/RPF_tool/. Add the following virtualhost entry to your apache configuration file

<VirtualHost *:80>

ServerName  www.yoursite.com

DocumentRoot  /home/RFP_tool/public

<Directory  /var/www/RFP_tool/public>

AllowOverride  all

Options  -MultiViews



Restart your apache server.

Phusion Passenger installation is finished.

Installation via the source tarball

Extract  the tarball to whatever location you prefer

cd /usr/local/passenger/tar xzvf passenger-x.x.x.tar.gz
/usr/local/passenger/ passenger-x.x.x/bin/passenger-install-apache2-module

Please follow the instructions given by the installer. Do not remove the passenger-x.x.x folder after installation. Furthermore, the passenger-x.x.x folder must be accessible by Apache.


First you will have to install ec2-api-tools.zip from


unzip ec2-api-tools.zip
mkdir ~/ec2
cp -rf ec2-api-tools/* ~/ec2

Upload your aws certificate and private-key to /mnt of the instance.


Then add the following to ~/.bashrc

export EC2_HOME=~/ec2
export PATH=$PATH:$EC2_HOME/bin
export EC2_PRIVATE_KEY=/mnt/pk-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.pem
export EC2_CERT=/mnt/cert-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.pem
export JAVA_HOME=/usr/local/java/ ( your JAVA_HOME here)
export PATH=~/ec2/bin:$PATH

If your EC2 instance is an EBS-backed one, you can use the following command to create an AMI

[bash]ec2-create-image -n your-image-name instance-id[/bash]

If your instance is an s3-backed ( instance store ) one, you will have to install ec2-ami-tools first. It can be downloaded from



unzip ec2-ami-tools.zip
cp ec2-ami-tools-x.x-xxxxx/bin/* ~/ec2/bin

vim ~/.bashrc

export EC2_AMITOOL_HOME=~/ec2/ec2-ami-tools-1.3-56066/

Now you can use the following commands to create an AMI of your s3-backed instance

[bash] mkdir /mnt/bundle-vol/
ec2-bundle-vol -u USER-ID -c /mnt/cert-xxxxxxx.pem -k
/mnt/pk-xxxx.pem -d /mnt/bundle-vol [/bash]

( Login to your AWS account; your USER-ID is available from Account–> Security Credentials )

[bash] ec2-upload-bundle -u s3-bucket-name -a aws-access-key -s aws-secret-key -d
/mnt/bundle-vol/ -m
ec2-register -K  /mnt/pk-xxxxxx.pem -C/mnt/cert-xxxxxxx.pem s3-bucket-name/image.manifest.xml -n name-of-the-image [/bash]

To see the created images

[bash]ec2-describe-images [/bash]

Deploying a load balanced e-commerce portal in Amazon EC2

Update: NFS should not be used as that will be a SPOF. One should use S3 or other object stores. An alternative could be multi-node GlusterFS if someone needs volumes shared across nodes.

When building an infrastructure for an eCommerce portal on Cloud, it is important to note that it should be available all the time, that it is fail safe with outages like the one we had recently in AWS EU and U.S. East Regions, survive Hardware failure or any other issues like bug in the system or deployment errors. We built an infrastructure on AWS Cloud that address all these issues with LAMP using various AWS Cloud services like EC2, S3, RDS, EBS etc. It is described in detail below:


Achieving High Availability & Fail over across Datacenters

Elastic Load Balancer (ELB)

The Elastic Loadbalancer ( ELB ) service provided by AWS tries to achieve the following:

(i) Spans across Datacenters: Loadbalance traffic across mulitple datacenters (AZ )thus providing high availability even if one datacenter goes down. So you should always make sure that when you launch instances under an ELB, you should launch it in different Availability zones. You can also launch instances in the same AZ but by default ELB will redirect request across multiple AZ in a Round Robin way.

(ii) Failover: ELB will periodically monitor the health of the instances and if any of the instance or monitored service ( e.g. Http ) goes down, ELB will stop redirecting requests to that instance and all the request will be redirected to the remaining number of instances registered under ELB. When the instance comes backup, it will again start redirecting requests to that instance.

(iii) Handling root domain ( apex / main domain ) and subdomains: ELB can loadbalance only those requests coming to alias / subdomain( www ). It cannot handle request coming to root domain. This is because when you configure DNS for enabling ELB, you can only set CNAME to ELB for subdomains. There are 2 reasons for this. One is when you configure ELB, you will only get a Public DNS name for the ELB like the following instead of a Public IP.

[bash]Test-1736333854.us-east-1.elb.amazonaws.com [/bash]

This is because AWS changes the Public IP of the ELB periodically for providing scalability for ELB itself. Another reason why you cannot redirect main domain request to ELB is that DNS protocol itself restricts the usage of CNAME or anything other than “A” record for a root domain. So you cannot CNAME root domain to ELB DNS name.

So for serving root domain requests with ELB , there are only work arounds like mentioned below:

a) We have to assign an elastic IP for an instance under ELB. But what if this instance goes down? Set heartbeat to switch EIP? This is a bit complicated setup as switching EIP to instances present across AZ takes time.

b)The other option is to have the root domain point to the IP addresses of the destination by configuring one or more “A” records (address records) for root domain. You can do that if you know the destination IP addresses are fixed, such as if you are using EC2 Elastic IP addresses. We wouldn’t recommend this because IP addresses will be cached at the client end for long time even if you set low value of TTL at the nameservers. This is because TTL value can also be configured at the the client end overriding the TTL value provided by the nameserver of the domain. e.g. with nscd ( Nameserver Caching Daemon) you can set the TTL value manually in its configuration file.

c) You can keep a separate web server not under ELB with a Redirect Rule for redirecting root domain requests to www. You should make sure that this webserver is highly available as well.

d) A better solution is to go for Domain Registrars ( DNS service providers ) who provide this feature of redirecting root domain requests to www. So this can be handled at the DNS itself. The DNS service provided by AWS “Route53” can be used for this ‘Zone apex’ ( root domain ) redirection.

(iv) SSL Termination

There is support for “SSL termination” in ELB which means you can use ELB to loadbalance HTTPS requests too. You just need to buy the SSL certificate and simply upload it to ELB. ELB will redirect all the HTTPS request to the backend servers. So you can make an eCommerce portal highly secure and highly available with ELB.

(v) Persistent Session

You can enable Sticky Session with ELB but the problem is users will be logged out if any of the instance / webserver goes down and ELB will redirect the subsequent requests from the same user to a different instance and it will prompt the user to login again. To tackle this there were few options we had considered –
a)You can either setup distributed failover memcached server or
b)You can use RDS for storing Session.

We went for RDS as our Session Management store since RDS is an excellent choice for Database Administration as well if you are using MySQL as the Database.

Your application must be configured to write session data to an RDS database. So when an instance / webserver goes down and when the ELB redirects the user request to a different instance, the user will not be asked to login again as all servers are reading session data from the same place that is RDS. The user won’t notice anything at all, even though they’ve now started talking to another server. We recommend using a Multi-AZ RDS instance and write session data into this. So if one of your EC2 instances goes down, the other instances will still have access to the RDS database, and likewise if an RDS zone goes down, Amazon fail this over to the second AZ internally, transparently to you and your application.

So the easiest and most reliable way to share sessions for failover on a multi-server environment is to use RDS, since Amazon handle the database layer’s failover for you.

So basically you can achieve two things by using RDS – Session management and Database Management.



The Autoscaling service provided by AWS allows you to scale horizontally up / down with CPU usage, RAM, Disk I/O etc.

Ideally you should use a Base AMI with Autoscaling that will pull the required packages from a Centralized location like Chef Platform and code from the Version Control System or S3. You can write a startup script to run on instance bootup for this purpose. So when Autoscaling launches a new instance it will pull all the latest updated versions of the packages, code and also any other required custom configurations from a centralized location. This will also make it easier to manage all the configuration details, code updates from a centralized location using tools like Chef Platform, Version Control System or S3 respectively.

Apart from Centralised Configuration / Code management, the reason for using Base ami with Autoscaling is that it is not possible to change the ami configured with Autoscaling service dynamically.


Storage for Application Files

We came across lot of options for storing the application files. However you have to consider your priorities before you select a storage service for the code. Following are the points to consider for your application file storage system:

(i)Latency issues: All shared storage systems like NFS / GlusterFS / EBS / S3 etc have latency issues when compared to Instance store (Ephemeral Storage)

(ii)High availability: If you are using a shared storage service like NFS, it should never go down for the entire system to be available all the time.

(iii)Access to the code: How to get the latest code during incremental roll out of a new instance because if you are using a shared storage, it becomes difficult to gives access to the shared storage system when a new instance is launched

We went for instance store / ephemeral store that gives you better I/O performance. You can keep your own highly available SVN repository or go for publicly available Version Control Systems like GitHub. At the same time you can also keep a copy in S3 and sync to it whenever there is a code update. This will make it more redundant.

The problem with using shared storage service like NFS / GlusterFS with EBS / S3 is it becomes difficult to avoid single point failure for NFS / GlusterFS service. But if your site doesn’t have much hits and your priority becomes redundancy, you can go for mounting S3 as filesystem using tools like s3cmd and use that as a shared storage with NFS for multiple instance. The problem with S3 is that it is not intended to be used as a filesystem and there have been issues reported with speed and caching. Or you can use EBS volume for code storage if you have only a single instance serving the request. Even using NFS with EBS volumes ( with frequent snapshots to S3 ) gives better performance than using S3 as shared storage for files.

Not only does instance store gives you better performance, error rates very rare. with EBS volumes error rates are reported frequently. Recent outages with AWS EU & US East Regions shows that the down time was made worse due to increase in time taken to recover from EBS errors.


Code Deployment

For automating code deployment, you can configure deployment tools like Capistrano. This will become very handy when you have multiple servers to update simultaneously. Capistrano uses Ruby language and is built for Ruby code deployment but with little changes, you can automate deployment of PHP / Perl / Python / JAVA based application.

chef-deploy is another tool that comes with chef for automating code deployment. Continuous Integration tools like Hudson / Cruise Control are excellent tools when you want to automate the Build, Deployment, Test and Rollback process.

For code deployment, we follow a Release Management process where we keep a staging environment that is an exact replica of the production environment. We push code to the production environment only when it’s been completely tested in the staging environment and approved by the Release Manager. This will further reduce the errors / bugs / and downtime time caused due to the code release.


Database Server

We went for RDS across AZ for High availability. AWS will take care of Redundancy, Performance Optimisation, Scalability and Backup. You can avoid the hassle of managing a Database Server by using RDS. RDS is as an excellent distributed highly available Session Management System. You can also take regular backup from RDS and keep it in S3.

You can also use Master–Slave Replication setup instead of RDS. This is also a good option for achieving high availability for Database server. The challenging part will be to manually configure failover for both master and slave servers, achieving scalability with traffic, backup configuration and performance optimization with increasing load. With RDS, all these will be managed by AWS.


Log handling

Keep all the important logs like Application logs, Syslogs, SSH log etc in EBS volume. You can either schedule regular snapshots of these EBS volume to S3 or you can even sync these log files to an S3 bucket periodically using tools like s3sync.


Configuration Management

If you have more than one server or are planning to scale up in future or would like to automate a lot of administration / coding stuffs, you should definitely use one of the Open Source freely available Configuration Management tools like Chef / puppet / Cfengine

Chef is new and has default support for AWS / EC2. We use Chef extensively for managing our infrastructure in AWS. Chef provide a lot of readily available cookbooks ( recipes / roles ) for LAMP, JAVA app, Cassandra, Hadoop, Nagios etc which can be used readily ( or with minimum customization ) to automate the infrastructure setup and configuration. Chef also comes with a tool called Chef-deploy for automating deployment of code.

So using Chef along with tools like Hudson / Cruisecontrol, you can automate the entire setup from infrastructure setup to configuration management to building, deployment and testing of your application.



To improve performance you can implement the following:

(i)Use caching mechanisms like Memcache(DB scaling) / aiCache / Varnish.

(ii)CDN ( Content Delivery Network ) is a must if you want to provide better end-user response time. There are lot of CDN providers but we recommend AWS CloudFront or Akamai for serving static files and images. For start-up and small business, CDN might be costly but as your target audience grows larger and becomes more global, a CDN is necessary to achieve fast response times.


Monitoring & Alert

For monitoring, go for open source monitoring tools along with a SaaS based monitoring application.

(i)There are lot of free and open source option available in the market – Nagios, Zenoss,Zabbix etc. This can be automated with Chef in such a way that when a new server is launched in to the cluster, it will be automatically added to the Nagios list of monitored servers.

(ii)You can also use excellent SaaS based monitoring apps like Pingdom, mon.itor.us, site24x7.com etc for monitoring and alerting via email, SMS or Twitter.

(iii)Custom scripts or tools like Munin & Monit for monitoring and restarting services if it crashes.



You can keep copies of code in an S3 Bucket and sync it with tools like s3sync with every update. For DB Backup, in addition to automated RDS Backup, you can take periodical standard DB backups using mysqldump and store it in S3 bucket.You can also use EBS volumes for keeping replica of code and DB Backup with periodical snapshots to S3.

An important thing to note about S3 storage is it is only a Highly available Storage System. It is not backed up automatically. That means if you delete anything manually from s3, it will be forever gone unless you have manually backed it up with multiple copies in S3. So make sure that you have enough backups available in S3.