Well, I know its too late but then the cloud has kept me too busy 😉 and this post is in draft mode for nearly a month now !
Let me share few photos from the first cloudcamp in India held on March 29th, 2009. The unconference was held in IIMB Bangalore.

Arjun Gupte sharing his experience on building massively multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG) using Clouds
The unique experience at the camp was the unPanel and and the informative questions asked by the audience on various aspects of cloud computing

questions asked to the “unPanel” by the cloudcamp participants (bigger version of the above image is here )
It was a wonderful experiece to attend the camp and share the experices. Someday I would like to write about the 13 questions presented before the unPanel. More photos are shared at the cloudcamp link
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