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Photos from the first Cloudcamp in India

Well, I know its too late but then the cloud has kept me too busy 😉 and this post is in draft mode for nearly a month now !

Let me share few photos from the first cloudcamp in India held on March 29th, 2009. The unconference was held in IIMB Bangalore. Read more…

Amazon EC2 Reserved Instances

Amazon announced reserved instances and this is expected to give momentum to on demand or auto scaling architectures. Amazon also offers a reduced pricing for the reserved EC2 instances. There are 1 year to 3 year model pricing models and after making this one time payment hourly rates are reduced to $0.03 from $0.1 in the case of standard, small on demand instances. More information on pricing is here

It looks like Amazon will have to have announce data transfer rates along with computing time to pass on the real benefit of reserved instances to the end user.

Bespin – Coding in the Cloud

When everyone is after the cloud buzz word why not Mozilla too ? no wait, you are mistaken. Mozilla labs is not talking about the ubiquitos cloud computing here but they refering to the fictional city mentioned in Star Wars. Anyway 🙂

Bespin is an online editor with collaborative features and a sleek interface with emacs, vi code bindings. And it is much similar to CodePad.org

The project page says: Bespin is a Mozilla Labs experiment on how to build an extensible Web code editor using HTML 5 technology. Read more…

IBM application servers on AWS

IBM and Amazon announced that they have teamed up to provide cloud computing solutions. With the announced now Amazon will be able to provide IBMs application servers in their cloud computing environment. Amazon is already proving Microsoft Winodws AMIs in their EC2 instances. With the solutions like IBM DB2, Informix, Webshephere flavours and Lotus Web content management solution both IBM and Amazon has strengthened their offerings in cloud computing offerings. Time will tell what Gogrid & Google AppEngine has in store to compete with AWS